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Glick Fire Equipment Company, Inc.

Oshkosh ARFF 

ARFF vehicles are Aircraft Rescue and FireFighting apparatus, and they differ from municipal rescue and firefighting trucks since airport emergencies present different types of scenarios and require a unique response.

The Oshkosh ARFF difference means innovative fire suppression technology, unmatched chassis performance, advanced safety systems, smart design and unsurpassed reliability and durability.  In an airport emergency there is no room for error, so every Oshkosh ARFF vehicle is built to help you respond with maximum confidence.

Airport fire trucks carry a larger water tank, capable of holding thousands of gallons. This is because they don’t have access to water supplies when locations of emergencies vary and are uncertain. They also have to carry various firefighting agents, such as firefighting foam, dry chemicals, and clean agents, for situations which may stem from aircraft oil spills and electrical fires.

ARFF vehicles are exceptional because they have great acceleration, despite their size and weight. They can navigate through the rough terrain of an airport’s terminal and runway space. They are fitted with powerful, high-capacity pumps which spray water and foam from turrets which reach long distances.

Striker 4x4

Class 4 ARFF

Water/Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Requirement:
1,500 gallons

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Striker 6x6

Class 5 ARFF

Water/Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Requirement:
3,000 to 4,000 gallons

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Striker 8x8

Class 5 ARFF

Water/Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Requirement:
3,000 to 4,000 gallons

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Striker VOLTERRA™ Electric ARFF

Enjoy legacy features found on the Striker ARFF vehicle while gaining the benefits of the Striker Volterra technology. Operation of the vehicle is consistent with current Striker ARFF models.

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Emergency Vehicle Financing

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